Notion Ink Expected to Ship Around Wednesday


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010
From Notion Ink Blog:
:) (update) « Notion Ink

I got the news yesterday but thought should start the Saturday tradition again! Labs have officially announced the FCC clearance and will probably update the status on the FCC website either today or on Monday. This means that we start printing on Monday and start shipping around Wednesday! Those curious ones can look out for NI3421A01 as the Product Code, Guarantee Code: Y2G and 0020356499 as FNR to search the product (you will get results only when FCC updates on their websites). I have the CE details, but I think there is a regulation that details can only be made public by them.


Pre-order 2 has yet not started because we are waiting for deliveries in US and European countries (that would mean that we are just a few days away from it). But this time we are not going to do the mistakes we did last time. Last time we missed a lot of you, this time we will communicate with a lot of you to make it easier for those who were disappointed last time.
Yeah I can't wait 'till second preorder. I hope since they got the FCC stuff figured out, now the preorders will ship much faster.
Yet to see if this is vaporware. Hoping that this will be a solid Tegra 2 alternative and hacker friendly, because I hate their GUI.
Why do you hate the GUI, it looks pretty good with the leafs. And I think it will be hacker friendly because that Rohan guy seems to be pretty helpful and seems to want developers to do what they can with the Adam.