Novel 9" help


Dec 4, 2010
1st I like to say this site is not only very nice but very imformative also.
OK...I realize the 9" is relatively new and basically there is nothing outthere (hacks) for it yet but here's the situation. My father bought the 9" Novel from QVC for my mother for Christmas, opened it and worked like it should. He tried updating the firmware only to realize after that he installed the 7" firmware from Pandigital and there is no firmware update for the 9".....oops! Now, the thing wont turn on for is completely dead and wont even charge! Did he brick it? Thats what I think. Me having an EVO and flashed phones plenty tried to help but absolutely cannot find anything and am clueless so im guessing he will just have to consider it a loss. Is this the case? Thanks.
I just bought mine at BBB today. I can see why your father did what he did. There was a little sheet on top of the packaged unit referring you to the PD website and urging you to download the latest firmware. I agree with your assessment - sounds like it's now a doorstop. I'd call Pandigital and see if they can push you the firmware for the 9".
I think it's running a vanilla 2.1 Eclair. Maybe you can flash back. Worst case scenario - you ship it back to QVC and ask for a replacement. They were selling them again today. Must have more in stock Good luck and let us know what happens.
1st I like to say this site is not only very nice but very imformative also.
OK...I realize the 9" is relatively new and basically there is nothing outthere (hacks) for it yet but here's the situation. My father bought the 9" Novel from QVC for my mother for Christmas, opened it and worked like it should. He tried updating the firmware only to realize after that he installed the 7" firmware from Pandigital and there is no firmware update for the 9".....oops! Now, the thing wont turn on for is completely dead and wont even charge! Did he brick it? Thats what I think. Me having an EVO and flashed phones plenty tried to help but absolutely cannot find anything and am clueless so im guessing he will just have to consider it a loss. Is this the case? Thanks.

Did you have issues getting your question answered? As for the 9" I have the one your dad got from QVC. I would send that back to them and say it didn't turn on. There wasn't any need to update the firmware this was the latest ROM on the tablet. Since there isn't any ROM available for it and if there was you could solve your issue. Just send it back to them. What I would do if your really want another just call QVC tell them this is a Christmas present for you mom and it needs to get here before the big day. As for the supervisor and they can send you out a new one while you send the defective one back to them. This way there won't be a delay. I would hold on to the free leather case and microSD card as they are not giving those away this time. Extra charge of almost $30 bucks.

If you have questions on this product I can be found here or here