Novo7 elf or kindle fire or else?


Jan 13, 2012
First of all im nooby regarding android OC... currently i have ipod touch 4g and im really impressed with it. kinda love the apple because there are no choices to choose from :) however they dont have 7" tablet.

Kindle is a promising device with lot of reviews on the youtube from USA.. --
However, novo 7 !! reviews are almost unboxing and not detailed reviews from Chinese vendors who are tying to market the tablet...

so im put on the table what i care about and not in the tablets!

can you provide me with advice? or there are any other better tablets with the 200$ range?
i care abouti dont care about
the performance of the device..
multi task + speed + laggesh ... etc i guess the capability
of ram and speed.the specs of novo 7 elf is better on paper but when talking about Chinese
products.. im not sure that their 1 gig ram is better than the 512 gig ram of kindle or even worse !!
. same for the processor speed.. -not trying to be offensive here... but this is my perception.
as long as its under 200$
battery life.
im not a big fan of vendors saying that the device stay for 8 hours while in reality
some products cant go beyond 2-3 hours of web browsing with little youtube videos
8 gig is more than enough for me
Speakers : particularly Sound of youtube
not the mp3 nor applications..
HDMI output
because i have my pc connected to 32" HD screen
Screen resistance
i mean how easy to swap between screens ,pics, web scrolling ...
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If PDF is a requirement I recommend you look for, at least, an eight inch screen with a 4:3 aspect ratio. Anything less will be a disappointment.

Regards - John
If you like "golden cage" a la Apple, then choose Fire. Amazon concept regarding android is is pretty similar than Apple's with iOS. Every bit of the expirience is dictated by Amazon. Regarding PDFs and Pulse. If they are available in Amazon Appstore For Android, you can install and run them.

If you are computer savvy and you don't mind tipping your toes in to unknown waters, then choosing chinese made android firmware on top of smallish manufacturer is your ticket. Regarding PDFs and Pulse. You most propably need to hack Ainol and install Android Market and Amazon Appstore For Android by yourself (with help of community like AndroidTablets) before you can install anything additional. About Elf. I you go this route choose Aurora (similar IPS screen than in Fire) for better reading experience.

Depending on, where you live & where you order, there might be packaging, shipping, customs and VAT costs pushing the overall price over 200 bucks. After sale support might also be very different experience.

That said, I chose off road adventure (Ainol Novo7 Aurora) instead of pre-paved path fully aware that I might get more than I bargained for ...
Ok looks better now. Before it was a big jumble of ???!!!!
actually its the same :eek:

If PDF is a requirement I recommend you look for, at least, an eight inch screen with a 4:3 aspect ratio. Anything less will be a disappointment.

thanks for the advice.. i actually change my mind for the whole PDF thing... i just change the orientation of my 10.1" netbook screen to portrait and here we go.. kina satisfied with the reading

actually im gonna edit my post now :)

If you are computer savvy and you don't mind tipping your toes in to unknown waters, then choosing chinese made android firmware on top of smallish manufacturer is your ticket. Regarding PDFs and Pulse. You most propably need to hack Ainol and install Android Market and Amazon Appstore For Android by yourself (with help of community like AndroidTablets) before you can install anything additional. About Elf. I you go this route choose Aurora (similar IPS screen than in Fire) for better reading experience.

Depending on, where you live & where you order, there might be packaging, shipping, customs and VAT costs pushing the overall price over 200 bucks. After sale support might also be very different experience.

That said, I chose off road adventure (Ainol Novo7 Aurora) instead of pre-paved path fully aware that I might get more than I bargained for ...

actually google and youtube let the noobies to be a savvy regarding these issues :cool:
i jailbreak my ipod +backup + free apps +bla bla bla in no time actually... just follow the steps of who re-invent the wheel and boom.. perfect output.. my role is to choose which video/blog to follow.. -simple.. read the feedback ^_^

so i guess both can have the full android market after jailbreak - or (root) as terminology in android oc. so the variety and pulse app.. wont be an issue anymore.

so lastly ...
any idea of the performance of the device ? - because novo is Chinese based.. so im skeptical about what is written on the catalog
  • 1.5 GHz single core novo7 vs 1 GHz dual core kindle fire
  • 1 gig ram novo7 VS 512 gig ram kindle
  • what about screen resistance ? i dont know if is the right word for it.. but what i mean.. on ipod just slightly swap the finger it scroll down.. so back to the two tablets.. any differences
  • speakers volume
  • battery life ?
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If you are gonna get a new Ainol...look at the Novo 7 Aurora. Best screen (IPS and 1024) 1.5 mHz. About the same price the Novo 7A was about 2 months ago...oh yea.. its got ICS and from what I've read it is really stable.
1.5 GHz single core novo7 vs 1 GHz dual core kindle fire
Propably 1Ghz dual-core is faster than 1,5Ghz single core. In fact, current ainol firmware runs at 1Ghz, not at the maximum 1,5Ghz stated in marketing material.

1 gig ram novo7 VS 512 gig ram kindle
Typically more memory is better.

Regarding other stuff you mentioned. Amazon is multi billion dollar company and I assume that they have more R&D money to "polish" user experience whether it is battery life or look and feel of the screen. Fire has also been longer in market place, so I bet the firmware is more stable.
Propably 1Ghz dual-core is faster than 1,5Ghz single core. In fact, current ainol firmware runs at 1Ghz, not at the maximum 1,5Ghz stated in marketing material.

Typically more memory is better.

Regarding other stuff you mentioned. Amazon is multi billion dollar company and I assume that they have more R&D money to "polish" user experience whether it is battery life or look and feel of the screen. Fire has also been longer in market place, so I bet the firmware is more stable.
You are right about the Fire. But if you go that route, where's the fun?
Regards - John
You are right about the Fire. But if you go that route, where's the fun?
Regards - John

Exactly and it does not have sd-card slot, etc. Amazon also wants you to get content just from them and in that sense is less open than chinese HW manufacturer.
Thank you guys for the contribution. i think my mind goes for the Aurora. little slighter and better screen the ELF...
and i dont mind the rooting.. in contrary it is better..... but hope that
sopa act wont affect our digital lives :S
actually its the same :eek:

LOL The first time I saw your post the area below looked like HTML Code and not the boxy area that it is now.
i care abouti dont care about
the performance of the device..
multi task + speed + laggesh ... etc i guess the capability
of ram and speed.the specs of novo 7 elf is better on paper but when talking about Chinese
products.. im not sure that their 1 gig ram is better than the 512 gig ram of kindle or even worse !!
. same for the processor speed.. -not trying to be offensive here... but this is my perception.
as long as its under 200$
battery life.
im not a big fan of vendors saying that the device stay for 8 hours while in reality
some products cant go beyond 2-3 hours of web browsing with little youtube videos
8 gig is more than enough for me
Speakers : particularly Sound of youtube
not the mp3 nor applications..
HDMI output
because i have my pc connected to 32" HD screen
Screen resistance
i mean how easy to swap between screens ,pics, web scrolling ...