Novo7 Tornados unwanted touchscreen interaction


Jun 29, 2012
Well, here I am again. Unfortunately, my Tornados has stopped working. The touchscreen does not do anything when I touch it...
Until now.
I opened up the tablet and the touchscreen started working! However, when I close the tablet up again, it stops working. Something makes ripples on the screen when it gets small amounts of pressure, but I can't figure out what.

Sorry about the bad picture quality...

This picture displays the locations of the ripples. They always appear at the middle location, and I fixed the ones on the far right by moving the battery leads.
$Tornados Ripple Locations.jpg

This picture displays the approximate locations, from the inside.

$Ripple locations inside.jpg

So my question is, what can I move around inside? Anyone have any ideas?
may i know what fw u currently on?because before this i used 0530 and also got the same problem as u describe..till the point that it doesnt recognise any touch at,reset to factory setting(recovery-wipe data&cache)..its finally came back to normal for about a week..n then,the problem came back..this time flashed it to 0619..its been 2 week since then,but i've never encounter such problem yet..hoping that the ghost touches didnt come again and haunted,if currently u're not on 0619,why dont u try it..u're not going to lose anything,unless u wipe the media partition..make sure to backup ur apps(titanium backup)..