offline wiktionary


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2011
Hello, everyone!

is it possible to download the wiktionary section (english, french, german, italian) of the wikipedia suite in its entirety, so that it can be accessed offline in an android tablet?

i see that wikidroyd allows such a capture of wikipedia. can it do the same with the other sections such as wiktionary, wikisource, wikibooks and wikiquote of the ensemble?

thanks in advance
There is a great free Webster's dictionary on the Market that can be accessed off-line. But as for Wikipedia their app is basically just a web link to their mobile site.
thanks, jgumphress.

but, forgive me, i'm sure you're wrong. WIKIDROYD is an android app that allows the downloading of the entire wikipedia content to the tablet, so that the encyclopaedia can be accessed completely offline.

i only wish to know if WIKIDROYD or any other app would do the same for the other sections of the wikisuite

thank you
Thanks for the info. I did not know about this. I am always open to learn something new.