Ok, I have a question


May 4, 2012
Hey, guys and gals, I have a question. I am in the market for a smaller tablet (10" is just not practical for me) ... A 7 or 8" will do just fine. What I need is something that will run mycloud remote desktop well, so I can leave my computer at home when I am on the road. Will a really good Chinese tablet like the Ainol Aurora do the trick, or should i spring the extra dough on the wi-fi version of the xyboard or galaxy tab? Any thoughts?
Hey, guys and gals, I have a question. I am in the market for a smaller tablet (10" is just not practical for me) ... A 7 or 8" will do just fine. What I need is something that will run mycloud remote desktop well, so I can leave my computer at home when I am on the road. Will a really good Chinese tablet like the Ainol Aurora do the trick, or should i spring the extra dough on the wi-fi version of the xyboard or galaxy tab? Any thoughts?

Hi Arsikitas, the Ainol novo 7 Aurora will be a good choice! hope you can soon get what you want! Good luck! :)
Hi if you want a slightly bigger, more viewable screen try this. Like spemall, redtabletpc.com are trusted sellers on the forum offering good support & choice of posting, no oem tablets, & generally go for the higher quality tabs. If this size is preferrable take a look. Its dual core, cap screen high res, has many features in common with the aurora dual core. Both are easily up to your requirements . I doubt you would need a dual core tab even, so looking through their website you might find even more of a bargain, but these two are very sought after at the moment.
Good luck.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Hey, guys and gals, I have a question. I am in the market for a smaller tablet (10" is just not practical for me) ... A 7 or 8" will do just fine. What I need is something that will run mycloud remote desktop well, so I can leave my computer at home when I am on the road. Will a really good Chinese tablet like the Ainol Aurora do the trick, or should i spring the extra dough on the wi-fi version of the xyboard or galaxy tab? Any thoughts?

Hi Atsikitas, Ainol Novo 7 Aurora is a good choice, any other requirements except running mycloud remote desktop ?
Other requirements? Just the typical tablet stuff ... Games, watch videos, email access, access to Ms office files for editing from my home and office computers, portability ...
Come to think of it, I'd like an IPS screen, 1 gb of ram, and 1.5 ghz dual-core processor ...