On the fence


Dec 13, 2010
Long-time Droid owner (now on a Droid X) and really like the thought of the Galaxy Tab. The price ($600) though, is a bit too steep.

I was in Best Buy today and they had it priced at $499 if I signed up for a month-to-month service plan (no contract, can terminate it any time). That sounded too good to be true -- I asked about 5 times if there was any catch. They assured me not.

At $499, does that make this a better deal? I'm torn between this and the iPad (NOT a iOS fan!), but like the form factor.

The $499 price makes it easier to digest, but wondering what the collective wisdom here feels about that price?

It's better than $600, but I think they will still come down in price even more. It may not be until after Christmas, if you can wait that long.
I paid full price at Best Buy the day they came out, along with a one year accidental damage warranty to go along with it, which brought my total over $700 and I haven't regretted it for one day! I love this tablet! I would never have chosen an ipad over this Tab - it's so portable, I can throw it in my purse and take it anywhere and not look ridiculous pulling it out (not to mention iOS - eeew!).
I have a Droid X too that I was using at the time of purchasing my Galaxy Tab, but since I got this Tab I've gone back to using my OG Droid for my phone and my Tab for everything else. This Tab blows the X out of the water for me and I just don't have a use for the X anymore - the only reason I kept using it was the screen size, I hated so many other things about it.
I hate to hear that it's so much cheaper now, but still don't regret getting it when I did, I've loved every day with it! I say go for it - $499 sounds like a good price to me!

Sent from my Galaxy Tab using Tapatalk
I have the same feeling about the galaxy tablet. The price was really hard to swallow at first but after the first few hours I had forgotten about the hole in my wallet

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy tablet using Tapatalk
I am finding the Tab is taking the place of my laptop which was the reason I got it! Every day it gets a little better. Still learning the OS as my phone of choice is the iPhone, but I wanted something besides the iPad and this is working great.

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I'm no Apple hatter, But most of the other android tabs are not up to snuff with the iPad or this Galaxy tab.I mean on the hardware quality side. My problems are these two issues.

1. Price, price of a galaxy tab is the same as a iPad? Come on isn't the os cheaper or even free to developers? Sorry I have to answer this one YES its Free! So now lets put a price on the Apple os $100?. Okay so I think the hardware quality of the iPad and this Galaxy pad are equal. I just think if all things are equal the galaxy pad should be $100 less then an iPad.

2. The apps, Most of the apps are designed to run on smaller screen like a droid x. And I read that this is noticeable on the larger pads. And I read allot of apps not installing easily ect ect. In short bugs.

I have an iPhone4 and before I had that I use an iPhone 3g for about 2 years. I never had any problems installing app or having to deal with a work around or tech support to install an app..

These two factors are keeping me on the fence. Sorry I really want to purchase an android pad but I'm still wait for these 2 issues to be resolved. Until then I'm still on this fence : (
I got mine for the full 600 and am absolutely satisfied with my decision. I canceled my month to month right away, as I will just use my Droid to tether, or just use my wifi at home.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab using Tapatalk Pro.
Be careful using Ur droid to tether cause if u go over 5gb u will get hit with 10$ a gig. And I didn't know u could cancel the month to month

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy tablet using Tapatalk
Yep, with verizon you pay full price for the Tab and can cancel your data, the others lock you in to a 2 year agreement, but get it cheaper.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab using Tapatalk Pro.
I paid 629 euro because i could not wait anymore my arguments against the ipad was lack of phone functionality, lack of expansion capabilities, mono speaker, lack of camera, lack of dlna support and the size.

The tab is a really solid piece of pleasure and it works with n wifi networks..

Sent from my GT-P1000 using Android Tablet Forum App
returned my archos 70 (which was awesome) but needed an rma and decided to go with
the sammy and couldnt be happier!

this thing really cooks! its so fast and the screen oh my HAPPY DAY!
i just got the keyboard for mine and absolutely love it.. Wish it had a wireless mouse tho to make navigation easier.. You can use the arrow keys or just swype like you normally do.. It also has hotkeys you can use for quick navigtion. Highly recommend it for users that take advatage of skype or use it more than your PC

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