Onda Vi40 Dual Core - Firmware Update?


Oct 16, 2012
Hello all, first post on here and I'm begging - I promise to improve!

Today I received my Onda Vi40 Dual Core 32GB tablet and a fair number of the icons are in Chinese and I can't login to google play store. From what I've read on here, I'm thinking I need to update the firmware? As a rank amateur, I need a true idiots guide as I fear I may ruin this tablet.

I've looked around on the internet and this is the best I've found but it's still leaving me scratching my head. The link to onda Livesuit isn't working and where am I downloading the files and images, to the tablet or the laptop?


Vi40 Dual Core, an update:

The tablet looks and feels great and I'm sure it would function well if set up in English as requested. The screen is freezing as is the software, I can't get on to any google products I'm registered for including Play - which is essential for these tablets.

Delivery was late and I've had the tablet four very unhappy days. Customer support is non existent, emails appear to be replied to whenever Onda feel like it. My last email asked if I would be refunded the costs to send it back to them in China, surprisingly I've had no reply.

Disappointing after reading so many good things about this tablet.
Hey tallpaul,

I'm going through the same issues with this tablet I've purchased. Like you've said the tablet would be amazing if the google products worked correctly. Also if it came with an English manual so that you could really update the firmware without messing up the tablet. I completly at a loss on what to do in solving my issues with this tablet and company.
Received my tablet a week ago V801 and no google products work correctly. I have a gmail account, it works on the tablet but I cannot register and make a google account which is necessary to get into google playstore.
Has any of you founf a solution, any ideas how to solve this?
I would like to get some kind of wordsprocess program on the tablet but do not know how.
Thanks for any help.
I have had an Onda vi40 Dual Core since September
The unit worked fine at first but a couple of weeks ago I started having problems logging in to my Google accounts for G-mail and Google Play
This has continued until now I cannot log in at all
When using a browser Google search engine does not work either
it's as if the vi40 is being blocked from any contact with Google!
I downloaded a firmware update and loaded this up (easier than I thought) and went through the business of changing all the settings etc from Chinese default but still no joy
After contacting Onda via their 'Contact Us' section I received a couple of polite replies from someone called Jason sting that it may be a firmware issue (tried that)
I contacted them last week and said that nothing seems to be fixing this (the USB port has also not worked from new) and suggested that I could return the unit for repair, replacement or refund
He replied and gave me address and mailing details stating that if I returned the vi40 that the Onda engineers would check it out
I am now in the process of mailing it back and hope they can fix it
This concerns me also as someone in the US recently posted on the web that he returned his vi40 to Onda last month and never heard from them again
Funny thing is my wife has an Onda v711 which has been working perfectly but when I came to borrow it today it has developed the same problems with Google
Just wondering if there is a thread or connection here
I would be grateful if anyone else has an answer to this issue although I would hope that returning my vi40 to Onda would sort things out
I found myself looking at Samsung Galaxy Tab 2's today!
If it is ok with the admin:

Check Here. There is an custom 1.5.5 rom available with no Chinese apps etc..
I've followed the instructions above (thank you so much!) and have the tablet working and in English, and woo hoo! It's still a bit temperamental but at least use able.
I've followed the instructions above (thank you so much!) and have the tablet working and in English, and woo hoo! It's still a bit temperamental but at least use able.

Could you tell me which firmware you used? Should not be temperamental, did you use a custom firmware because they do tend to be, stick with Onda Stock roms they run the tablet as they should, if you want to re-flash follow this it is much quicker and easier http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...l-onda-sd-card-firmware-installer-v1-0-a.html and the link to Onda for Genuine firmware is there.
Dear Paul,

I had exactly the same problems with this tablet. After some weeks being in Kiev I found a man you installed for me Android JellyBean. It had to be installed as Samsung Galaxy Modelnumber GT-19100. Now it works perfectly and no Chniese apps anymore. It did cost me € 60,00 but I have a wonderful working tablet now. Hope this will help you. Piet