openvpn and push-gateway


May 10, 2011
There are two solutions for OpenVPN on NookColor running CyanogenMod. The first is the built in client. Unfortunately hat client only does UDP. No good in a corporate firewalled environment when I want to connect from home. SO I tried option #2. The root-required openvpn package from the android market. Unfortunately hat one does not support pushing a default gateway.

Has anyone been able to setup a decent linux based VPN client/server pair on their nook with CyanoGenMod7?
I actually haven't got a chance to try with my nook, but cm7 on my n1 allows allows to connect fine via tcp

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Do you actually need VPN access, or do you just need to access a home computer? I use VNC through a SSH tunnel to access my PC at home. I've been successful doing this on my nook by using connectbot for the SSH tunnel and androidVNC for the VNC client. It sets up the same way as if you did it on a computer using something like Putty+TightVNC...