OS upgrade from Verizon?

I have left the wifi *and* 3g on since friday.

No luck as yet.

Sent from my SCH-I800 using Android Tablet Forum
I just got it. I hate it so far. Every time the screen orientation changes my widgets screw up and some disappear. I hope it gets fixed.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy tablet using Tapatalk
I left mine in the car, without the wifi on, and the update was ready to install this morning. Now my Tablet is experiencing some issues. It says no connection and its still scanning the media card. Could be unrelated to the update, but its never happened before. My tablet is pretty much a paper weight at this time, and it worked great all day. I rebooted it and its not doing much tonight.
I have left the wifi *and* 3g on since friday.

No luck as yet.

Sent from my SCH-I800 using Android Tablet Forum

Auto downloaded last night. Ive been playing with it for an hour. No issues as yet but havent pushed usage to the max ad yet.

Sent from my SCH-I800 using Android Tablet Forum
The update was downloaded and waiting to install this morning. After reading some of these posts, I thought it best to wait a while and see if there's any more problems, and see if there will be a fix.
I got the update (build EC02) a couple of days ago and didn't see any difference. When I called Verizon to see what had changed, it took talking to a few people to find someone who knew anything about it, but when she read the list of what was changed, there was nothing more than some assorted fixes.
I understand that the bluetooth HID profile is working now and you can use bluetooth keyboards. I have a Sprint Tab so can't verify, but people seem to be saying they've been restored. If true, I hope some nice dev will find a way to allow Sprint users to use them as well. :)
This upgrade must have been minor bug fixes. Its bedn workng jst fine for me.

Sent from my SCH-I800 using Android Tablet Forum
Well my tablet was nothing more than a paper weight after the upgrade so I took it to Best Buy where I bought it to have them look at it. The guy said, man this thing is toast, and plugged it into the power source of a display tablet. We talked a few minutes and i showed him how it does not connect to the Verizon network, and it was very slow like it was not capable of using its processor. Then out of thin air, the tablet connected to Verizon (Its been down for four days at this point) and all the information loads up on it, and it works like a champ. No one knows why, but it works now.