Ouku night {Rooted}


Nov 11, 2010
Just rooted my Ouku Night tablet with SuperOneClick v2.1.1 . {Google it.} It works. For anybody with one looking to root theirs.
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I would be interested in doing this. Can you tell exactly what steps you took? And what version of Gingerbread did you wind up with? Can you run Flash now? Thanks for any more detail.
I would be interested in doing this. Can you tell exactly what steps you took? And what version of Gingerbread did you wind up with? Can you run Flash now? Thanks for any more detail.
Download SuperOneClick v2.1.1, from shortfuse.org. Turn on your tablet, enable usb debugging mode, connect it to the computer and run the program. It doesn't upgrade the firmware, just gives you root for your device.
Hi jcnnon,
I'm trying myself to root the Ouku Night (received yesterday) but when I plug it to my PC (Windows 7 Ultimate) I got the message about drivers not been installed. Can you help, please?
Thanks in advance... :)