Overwhelmed by selection

Dec 3, 2010
I didn't realize there were so many options!! I'm not too tech savvy, so I am very overwhelmed. I want to get someone on my Christmas list, the android tablet they asked for. They didn;t have a specific brand, they just wanted one with the newer OS, reliable wifi, and a HDMI out so they can watch movies off of it at friends houses. Screen size isn't too much of a issue, but price is. I can't spend anymore than $250 dollars. Can you guys help, or maybe just point me in the right direction? There is just waaaaay too many choices for me to feel right about purchasing one without some expert opinions.
Well that link would be helpful if I needed help picking what features I want. However I looked at the list of devices, and it didn't even have the gpad g10, which was one of the items I had seen that had the features I wanted. All I really need to know, is: Is there a tablet that does what I want, for the price I want? Now that I've read more, I guess I'd want android 2.2 as well wouldn't I? Could someone maybe give me some opinion instead of facts upon facts upon facts. I already said I was overwhelmed. :p
Here it is in basic english. There are really NOT that many choices right now if you look inside. Think in PC terms. The real difference is broken into three groups A. Stay away, B. Only if you are willing to tweak and mod until you have something stable. C. Ready out of the box. You say $250, but I will offer three which you can compare on my poor man's Chart. ALL of the units are coming out of China and most are coming from the same development manufacturing group. I am using these three as they are about the best choices near the price range. But Others may have different opinions

Name ........... Merimobiles................. Herotab ......................Archos
Model ............A81-E or A81-G........... M802 ...........................70
Android Ver ........2.2....................... 2.2 ..............................2.2 ........(You should choose nothing that does not offer Android 2.2 at this time)
Othername .........MIIDNITE............. APAD .............................None
Processor ...........Cortex A8............ IMX515 ........................Cortex A8 ..(The Cortex A8 would be a stable processor as is the IMX515 Think Intel vs AMD for PCs, or Honda vs Acura)
Ram ..................256Mb .................512M .............................256Mb... (Is 512 better than 256, Yes, but only if you are a power user)
Internal Storage ..2Gb.................... 4Gb............................. 8Gb..... ...(More is better)
Flash ready .........Yes................... Yes............................. No(But will) ....(Flash is important for Games and Youtube and other media delivered)
G-Sensor ............E-No G-Yes......... Yes .............................Yes.............. (Important for Games)
HDMI ..................No.................... Yes ..............................Yes............. (Only important if you want to show it on a Monitor)
Cameras .............No .....................No.............................. Yes(2).......... (Important if you want to potentially do video/still)
Microphone .........No..................... Yes............................ Yes ..............(Important if you want to be able for IP Phones and not use Bluetooth)
3G capable .........Yes ....................Yes .............................Yes ..............(Note: You would have to find a compatible 3G modem)
Bluetooth ...........Yes.................... No ...............................Yes ............(This is very handy if you want no wire headphones)
Market installed ..Yes.................. Own app Market............ Own app Market ........(Important for application findning and loading. Market is the primary source)
USB Ports........... 2............................ 2................................ 2
Resolution....... 800x480............... 800x600........................ 800x480 ...........(Default size for Android is a 16:9 perspective 800x600 gives a PC look but not really diff)
Price ..............$170-240 ................$180-240 .......................$260-300
Support Primarily CommunityPrimarily CommunityVendor+Comm (This to me is critical as you may need assistance)
Upgradable ......Good..................... Fair to Good ...................Very Good (It is the firmware which can be upgraded and that means OS upgrade potential

Soooo. if you look, Much of the devices are the same. The differences are on what may seem important but are more like an option for a car, You get what you pay for, But in my mind, and if you read the forum, the lack of support from the vendor or Manufacturer can make or break how you enjoy a tablet long term.

But this is my opinion
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