Pandigital Black - Overdrive Media Console Problems

Uncle RJ

Jan 26, 2011
I have a PD Black 7" Canadian model that has the most recent firmware. I recently dowloaded Overdrive Media Console so I can borrow ebooks from our local library.

The problem is that the ePub books are about twice as wide as the screen when I open them with ODMC. I have changed all of the options to try to get them to appear screen size, with no luck. I also have Kobo installed on the device and it works fine, but I can not open any borrowed books.

My preference would be to get ODMC working properly first. If I can not accomplish that, is there a way to be able to read borrowed books on Kobo?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have it partially working now. I can download the books into Adobe Digital Editions and then transfer them to the PD Novel with the wired connection. Kobo recognises the books and they are formatted correctly.

Still can not get ODMC working properly, which sucks because I could do everything wirelessly then.

Still open for any suggestions on how to get ODMC working.

I have the same device and firmware as you.

This may not help you, but I have the exact same issue with Aldiko, the reading software everyone raves about. I really want Aldiko to work but I can't due to this 'scrolling to the right' issue.

Yes, things look great on Kobo, but on the Kobo the problem is it's so hard to turn pages!

Using Cool Reader app for now, but that one has a problem that many of the 'options' crash the app.

I still haven't found that one reading app that works great.
I am having the same trouble with my pandigital novel. The book is wider than the screen using ODMC. I hope someone comes up with a solution
I have the black 7" novel and I also have to use Adobe Digital Editions like you have done. The only ebook reader that I have gotten to work, besides the preinstalled B&N, is Laputa v3.0.5