Parental Controls (Time/Hour of Day based restrictions)


May 30, 2012
I tried searching this and other forums, but either my search skills are not what they once were, or this really is an uncommon question.

What I am looking for is a parental control application for Android that will allow me to restrict the system to running only a small number of selected apps between certain hours. In my case, I'd like to let my son use his tablet as a music source and alarm clock at night. So basically it would let the tablet run normally most of the time, but after say 9 or 10 pm, only the music and alarm apps would work until 6 am or so the next morning.

I understand that with very little effort, and a reboot that most apps like this could be defeated, I'm not so worried about that, and I'd rather not have to root the tablet to run this type of a program.

So are there any suggestions for an app that will help me do this.

Thanks in advance.
Thank you for the response. I did look at these before I posted my question, however they seem to generically restrict applications. I don't have a problem with the children running just about any app on the device, most of the time. I just want to severely restrict what can be done after bedtime.

I suppose that it might be possible to use two programs together. One like the Android Parental Control that is automatically launched after a certain time by a second application and then is shut down by that other app at another time. The second app would have to be able to actually close the parental control app (preferably without rooting).

Any ideas?

I have another suggestion. Go to OpenDNS and register. It's free. Then use their DNS servers as fixed IP addresses in your WiFi connection, (this can also be done in your router to cover all computers). They have various controls that will disallow the types of WEB sites you may not want your children visiting and you can even get activity reports.

Don't know if this is what you were looking for but it may help.
Thanks for the reply.

I am familiar with open DNS, but I'm not too worried about policing which sites they go to when they use the device (at least not for their current ages). I just want to let them use the tablet for bedtime music and a morning alarm clock and maybe ebook reading, without allowing them to stay up all night playing games or videos.
Thanks for the reply.

I am familiar with open DNS, but I'm not too worried about policing which sites they go to when they use the device (at least not for their current ages). I just want to let them use the tablet for bedtime music and a morning alarm clock and maybe ebook reading, without allowing them to stay up all night playing games or videos.

Good luck with that. ;):D
Maybe this is a little too old school, but I'd collect the tablet at bedtime and get him a clock radio for music and an alarm.:rolleyes: Putting the tablet somewhere on the charger over night wouldn't be a bad thing anyway.