Password Protection


May 5, 2012
I have an Asus EEE Slider. I have purchased a USB memory stick on which I want to store some photos. I would like to "password protect" the memory stick, but am confused as to what software I can use that will work with Android? Does it need to be an Android App, or will any passord protection software work on my Asus?

Also, do I need to run the password protection on the memory stick BEFORE I load the photos, or can I also do it AFTER? My concern here is it seems that some software will wipe the stick clean if you were to run it AFTER the data/photos were already loaded on there.

Please help!

I don't think you will be able to do what you are asking about. Most USB drives that have the ability to be password protected use software provided by the drive manuf and it's typically PC based software