PD Open Platform Question


Dec 8, 2010
I have some experience with Andriod devices and I have been reading about the various custom hacks and trying to decide whether or not to try one. When I learned that Pandigital had released their own Open Platform I felt that I would give it a try. The install went fine but just like another poster here I was surprised by how much basic the system is now. I guess a blank slate is a good start but I thought they would have left in at least their eReader. Please forgive some of the following basic questions but I already see that this site is much nicer to noobs then Slate***** and I have read quite a bit but can't seem to figure out a couple of things. First, I would really like my device to access the Market directly and do the apps download and installs the way my smartphone does. This doesn't seem possible with my current Open Platform, is it possible with any of the hacks and if so which? I know that .APK files can be manually installed on the SD card but access to the market is so nice. Second, when reading about hacks what is GE? I know it stands for Google experience but what does that actually mean? I seen that some hacks have this and some don't. In short I'm realistic about what this device can do and I don't expect to transform it to and iPad or Galaxy however I'd be very happy with a more or less open Andriod OS that allows Market downloads and a good eReader, in fact it would be great if I could get the original B&N back on as that worked fine. Thanks.
After doing some futher reading I see that Market Access is not a feature of any of the hacks because Google controls which devices are allowed. I also discovered the SlideMe site which has most of the apps that I'm interested in. Just downloaded a few and all are working except Angry Birds. It installs but I think it's too much for the Pand's hardware. thanks.
There are others similar to slideme as well.

and there is always google to find more :)

Angry birds gives all of us problems with background etc.
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This PD feature is embedded into 9" to give you a tablet as well as ereader but the reader buy is not running in the background unless you use it. In my case I don't use it. I need ROM for 9" until they release update I have to wait. I can code market and apple icons as on to this device also to some more tricks. Still those links you have there there are more you know.
Well after doing some more reading I discovered that over at SlateDroid there is a 3rd modified Open Platform Rom which includes just Market and no other GE stuff. The sticky over there that discribes the Open Platform Rom lists 3 variants the V3 option being the Market only one. I installed this have been using it for the last few days. It works great and I able to connect and download from the Market with no problems. I did not have to do anything after the update to get Market to work. I've downloaded Kindle and eReader as my reading software and the other usual Market stuff. The PND is now much more useful then it was a couple of weeks ago when I first got it.
Well after doing some more reading I discovered that over at SlateDroid there is a 3rd modified Open Platform Rom which includes just Market and no other GE stuff. The sticky over there that discribes the Open Platform Rom lists 3 variants the V3 option being the Market only one. I installed this have been using it for the last few days. It works great and I able to connect and download from the Market with no problems. I did not have to do anything after the update to get Market to work. I've downloaded Kindle and eReader as my reading software and the other usual Market stuff. The PND is now much more useful then it was a couple of weeks ago when I first got it.

do you still have the slatedroid link? i really don't understand their attitude; i've been bawled out for asking every question i've ever asked (without getting an understanable answer) and then had two of the superposters get together and make fun of my comments. if you have the link i can get the info and get out without getting my feathers singed, if you know what i mean.
Don't take them too seriously, I think they are concerned with bandwidth. They are a strange bunch in that respect but they do have a huge amount of knowledge for the pandigital. I find the whole site a tad confusing, mostly because they know what they are talking about and I don't have a clue. I've been reading there for months and still find it difficult to REALLY know what I know the way they put things.

They finally put together a chart with all the mods/characteristics/problems and that helped me understand somewhat though I stuck with the open platform from pandigital and just download what I want from other sources than android market.