Picture quality on nexus 7 tablet....


Jan 14, 2013
I am trying hard to like my tablet, it's not my first android device,I own the Samsung tab 7.0 and a ipad 3. Oh, and a Asus tf101. But I have read so much about how amazing the display is on the nexus and I am just not seeing it. When I watch my TV shows on it,the people in the background don't look sharp,they look a bit fuzzy but the people in the foreground look sharp enough.

and I have noticed wherever there is a scene with a lightbulb or sunshine coming in through a window, it seems to wash out everything around it to a small degree. When I go from viewing the nexus to the ipad,the difference becomes that much more apparent. ( not an apple fan zooid btw...)

is there a setting I can go to or a free app I can DL to bring up the sharpness on my nexus 7 tablet? I don't notice this issue on any of my other tablets,just the nexus.

Any feedback or ideas are much appreciated....
Welcome shnizzle. Not sure where you read about the amazing display on the Nexus 7. It has a good display but not great and the price reflects that. 1280 x 800 IPS at 216 PPI is on the good end of standard for 7" tablets and is shared by the Kindle Fire, Nook Color/Tablet, etc. It is also commonly reported that the screen looks washed out. Sorry to hear your had a missimpression of the Nexus 7, perhaps you were thinking about the Nexus 10 screen which has amazing specs.
