Play Store


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2012
Ok, found a article on this tablet and it seems it does come with the Play Store and another store set up by Lenovo.
Twould be nice if little important things like that were included in the product advertisements.
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To my knowledge, the tablet does have access to the Google Play store. If there is a Lenovo store, then its either operating as a type of shell for the Google Play store (unlikely) or more like a store created to redirect you to apps designed for the tablet and will sit alongside the Google Play store. The Asus Prime does something like this as well with the NVIDIA store, which sits along side the Google Play store, but shows you apps specifically made for the NVIDIA chip. That being said, don't take my word for it and go see if you can play with one in a Best Buy or something. Still, since it is Lenovo, which is a legit company, I don't think you are going to get screwed over.
The Lenovo branded store seems a little more policed (it seems like the apps are vetted or chosen based on some criteria - hopefully security). The tablet does come with the Play store as well and I haven't run across any apps that wouldn't work with it.
I would definitely disagree and say hell no to another Lenovo product. The Lenovo play store is a joke? Why would they think they even include that on the tablet? Also, not all of the apps work, especially on my A1.