Playing movies from SD card?


Jul 25, 2011
Hey all, sorry if this is a duplicate topic I couldn't find a straight answer here.

I have an un-rooted A500 with a 16gb microSD card using ES File Explorer.

I have a number of movies loaded onto it, all AVI format and all work when loaded directly into the Movies folder in the folder /sdcard/movies (essentially the hard drive movie folder, right?)

When I go to /mnt/external_sd/ I created a new folder "Movies" and tried to put a shortcut of that folder on the home screen, it shows up but when I try and access it, it says "Application is not Installed"

Any idea what's going on here? If I navigate to the folder from the ES home screen I can access it and play movies just fine.

Thanks for your help.
The nemo player that's pre-installed seems to pick up the videos and mp3's from the sd card as well. I'll download mobo and see which interface I like the most and make a decision there. Thanks Stone.
I have to convert my movies/videos to MPEG-4 format to be able to watch it using Xilisoft.

Nemo is also my player for all media files on my tablet. (images, music & movies)