I've downloaded a file to my SD card holding my music.
I cannot seem to find a player that I can direct to play/shuffle that file.
Any recommendatons from the experts?
I'm not calling myself an expert, but having used quite a few audio apps my suggestion is that you check out JetAudio on the Store. I believe it will suit you well and can play music from the SD card which many players can't. JetAudio is an app that has been around for a long time on PCs.
Buddy, you most certainly may call yourself and expert!
I downloaded Jet Audio, fired it up and it cataloged my 700+ songs and began to play. WOW! What does the paid version offer in addition?
My Apple friends (if we may call them that) had me almost talked into an iPad! Arghhhh!
Now that I have music from my SD card, can you tell what to use/how to view images from the full size SD card in the dock.
I'm impressed that you are supporting 15 TP's. What applications?
Nearly all the Transformers, (not all Primes), are being used for business. Mostly just the apps they need for work but they are doing some pretty time saving and slick things with it. Field estimators for an electric contractor, Doctor, real estate manager and the list goes on and is growing pretty much every month.
As for your question about viewing images from the full size SD card, 2 items, QuickPic for viewing, and I'm pretty certain it will see it directly even though I don't have an SD card in the dock. The other thing you might want to check out is ES File Explorer. It also should be able to see the card and taping on any of the files would present you with a choice of apps to open them with. The standard file manager should as well but I much prefer ES File Explorer as it also makes it a snap for me to see the shares on all my computers.
Yes! You ARE an expert! QuickPic worked just as Jet Audio. Open, index, and view.
Kudos to you, as you obviously experimented to find the apps that simply worked as intended.
Being on vacation and faced with these vexing problems made me doubt my Android decision.. My faith in the Transformer Prime has been restored.
My iPod friends were really disappointed at your knowledge.
HUGE thanks again. Is there anything I may do for you?
My advice, stick with a major brand from a well respected vendor so as not to get a knock off, forged card. If it's going to be primarily for storage a class 4 or better card. If you plan on using it for videos a class 6 or better card should work fine. Some people insist on a class 10 card but they are pretty pricy compared to the class 6 and the class 6 should work fine.
Now that I am back from vacation, I have to tell you again- YOU and your knowledge saved my vacation. I reluctantly decided to leave my notebook PC at home and just go with the Android Transformer Plus. I was beside myself until you recommended Jet Audio and Quick Pic.
You get a great big star in your crown for that one. Thanks again!
Ron Johnson
Katy, tX grtday@msn.com