Playing Power Point files via the HDMI port to a projector


Feb 15, 2011
I have a friend who gives many Power Point presentations to small groups. It is done
by using a laptop connected to the HDMI input of a projector. It occurs to me that
she might be able to use her Acer instead of dragging her laptop around. To that end I have done a lot of reading about Power Point and Honeycomb. But, I still have some specific questions:

1. What is the cheapest (free) app or best paid app that can be used to "play" Power Point files on the Acer?

2. Can the presentation be outputted to a projector using the HDMI port?

3. It is only necessary to play, not edit of create, the Power Point files.

4. I only want to hear your experience playing Power Point files using the HDMI port.

5. Can a Wireless or Bluetooth remote\pointer be used with the Acer?

Thanks in advance for your specific replies to my questions.
1) download some random ppt to your acer and see if it works. Mine launched "Slide Show to go" which is part of the Acer bundle of Documents To Go. But I bought the full key, so i can't tell you If it will work without the full key.

5) Bluetooth mice work. Don't these pointers just emulate mice? Can't you borrow it for half an hour to try it out?
5) I already tried using my wireless mouse and it worked perfectly. There is an arrow moving around the screen that might be eventually used as pointer...
5) I already tried using my wireless mouse and it worked perfectly. There is an arrow moving around the screen that might be eventually used as pointer...

Yes, you can click and drag to change pages with a mouse, but its not all that convenient. The PPT remotes usually have forward and backward buttons as well as a method to point out certain parts of each slide.

But then PowerPoint is generally an evil crutch IMHO, and I never use it any more for business presentations. Reduce your PowerPoint Addiction | Natural Training Blog
Thanks for the various comments and suggestions. Has anyone actually tried a Power Point presentation outputted via the HDMI port to a projector?
It will cost you less than 8 bucks to find out it this works.

HDMI-F to Micro HDMI-M Adapter |®

Thanks, I have the correct cable. I was wanting to hear from someone who has actually tried it.