Please for the love of Bob Ross someone help me with this 7" bPDN- I want ONE THING


Oct 22, 2011
So I bought the black Pandigital Novel 7" from good ol Big Lots for some minor entertainment. It supposedly will use android apps, and i tried to d/l words with friends from the marketplace. it doesnt say it cant load it. but i cant find where it is, if its anywhere at all.
I've been combing the internet and messing with it for hours and I cannot for the life of me get WWF to be on this device.
I only bought this goddamn thing to play wwf or other mindless time wasters. I figured at the very least i could play WWF through facebook. well when i get into facebook and tap on WWF, it drags me into the Android Marketplace.

Please help this sad little Moron (who is usually an iphone user) :( (small violin playing very sad song)
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