Please Help! Coby 8024 White Sceen


Jul 25, 2011
I followed the instructions posted elsewhere on this forum "...unbrick 7024...gingerbread". I applied this to my 8024. The update started ok..but I ended up with a white screen now when the device is turned on.

I don't think all is lost as I am able to get into the device with adb and DroidExplorer and browse the file system. DroidExplorer has an option to "Flash a Recovery Image" and "Install an Update", I think I could use one of these if I have an image or an update file.

Can anyone help and tell me what steps are needed to restore the device back to working condition?

what exact firmware did you use??? i've never encountered white screen with my 7024.
It appears to be a screen setting. After playing around with DroidExplorer I used the 'screen cast', which displays the output of the device on the pc. I am
able to navigate the device ie.unlock the screen etc,using the touch screen and buttons on the device itself, and everything I do is shown in screen cast. The tablet itself is still showing a white screen.
There must be a xorg.conf type setting for the android somewhere in the system files that I can change, just don't know where.

I used this file : Herotab_C8_0419_Gingerbread

from the post: Unbrick or update Coby Kyros 7024 with gingerbread firmware...!!!!

Here is a screen shot from the screen cast:
fixrms- I read your post on the thread by nba.

Don't know if this helps but I should also include prior to doing the Gingerbread update, I did root the device with
the instructions for rooting the 7024 also found elsewhere in this forum, the one using SuperOneClick 1.7 and ADB push commands
and applied a Google Market Fix.
I'm exactly the same problem as yours, I tried to do the same update and got thewhite screen, here in the forums of Brazil there is nothing about it, I'm hoping to finda solution, sorry for my bad English.
If you run Droid Exploer and attached the tablet then use the ScreenCast option you will see that it is not bricked, in fact its running Android Gingerbread, as mentioined above you can even use the tablet screen and watch your actions in the ScreenCast, but there is some kind of display problem that makes the tablets screen show all white.

In case no one can help us on this forum and If you find a solution elsewhere please come back and post it here as I will do the same.
If you run Droid Exploer and attached the tablet then use the ScreenCast option you will see that it is not bricked, in fact its running Android Gingerbread, as mentioined above you can even use the tablet screen and watch your actions in the ScreenCast, but there is some kind of display problem that makes the tablets screen show all white.

In case no one can help us on this forum and If you find a solution elsewhere please come back and post it here as I will do the same.

used in the screencast and it really works, even played a song, I'lllook in other forums too, if I find the solution post here
I think I'm having something related to this because my Memup Slidepad 800 (MID8024) just booted white after a firmware.
Could this be the same thing or did I really screwed up the hardware?

You can read the whole thing here, as it seems to be more complicated.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as it seems I cannot reflash the tablet! (power + round button turns tablet off)