please help please help please help.


May 12, 2011
Dear God In heaven please sombody help me! I cant down load 1 app and this this is worthless to me if I cant. I get the same issue...

"""However, box states now with Android 2.2. But it's not yet installed. Running an Android version called DG3.20. Tablet prompts to download update. Update downloads and unpacks, but than fails to install stating that it's the wrong wrap for the product. (System lists the unit as a SYNET10LP, not SYTAB10MT).""""

Im assuming that if it is not 2.2 it will not connect to market and it will not download apps i need. I begging here can anyone help me, the phone # is worthless.
Im assuming that if it is not 2.2 it will not connect to market and it will not download apps i need. I begging here can anyone help me, the phone # is worthless.

In this thread/post is most of the known information specific to this device -

There is a programming error that causes the automatic update process to fail. Here are some that has information that can be applied to your device.

DG3.20 is Digital Gadgets version of Android 2.2 for the 10" tablet SYNET10LP (SYTAB10MT). The model number is hard coded in the Settings application. The model number is also not as important as the Hardware ID ( or or or etc.). In order to perform a manual update the Hardware ID "hwver" of the SYNET10LP (SYTAB10MT) will need to be identified. If an update exists, it can be applied manually by following the steps in this thread

However, an update is NOT needed to install applications but a microSD may need to be inserted into the device.

There are many alternatives to Google Market, that will allow you to download and install applications. Out of the box the device might have come pre-loaded with SlideMe which is a market alternative, so is GetJar and the Amazon App store. Many users just download apk files (applications) to a microSD card using their computer and then insert it into their tablet to "side load" applications.

Customer Service also has an email which has been reported provide quicker responses.
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ok, I can confirm i have the and a 2gb sd card, so you are saying to follow the manual instructions to update my system to the Froyo 2.2 and then I should be able to access the Android ap market.? if so i will do it now! and thank you sooooo much for your fast reply!!!!!!!! would you mind if i contact you if I have issues?
so you are saying to follow the manual instructions to update my system to the Froyo 2.2 and then I should be able to access the Android ap market.?
NO, please see and read the post specific to Google. The entire Google Experience is not licensed by the distributor/manufacturer for use on this device.

if so i will do it now! and thank you sooooo much for your fast reply!!!!!!!!
If the device is already at DG3.20 it is already Froyo 2.2, NO need to update. Click - Settings > Update System, what is the Version in the upper right? If "10" that seems to be the latest "Beta" update that fails to install automatically. Again, NO need to update the device is already at 2.2.

would you mind if i contact you if I have issues?
Most of the information requested is already posted in this forum. Specific questions can/should be posted in the appropriate thread to assist all users. Also, users previous experience is posted for all to gain insight in that fashion everyone can assist if there are issues.
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