Please help with Choosing First Tab

I don't know that id recommend either of those. Id imagine it 2.2 that it would support flash 10 but apparently the first pneumonia does not. . The second one doesn't specify. . Neither have very much ram.. Or battery life. .I don't know what a good tab for that price point would be.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy tablet using Tapatalk
Sounds decent. Look up some reviews and see what owners have to say. My first questions are is it capacative and is it multi touch? Other than that the specs look great

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy tablet using Tapatalk
I don't know that id recommend either of those. Id imagine it 2.2 that it would support flash 10 but apparently the first pneumonia does not. . The second one doesn't specify. . Neither have very much ram.. Or battery life. .I don't know what a good tab for that price point would be.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy tablet using Tapatalk

I agree with fishstick.:)
Undoubtly, the A8 will be a wise choice for you. And would like to tell you that there's no capacitive screen for android tablet pc in the market right now. Maybe you should wait, and we'll give your the latest news about that.:)
In the first quarter of 2011 a bunch of tabs will hit the market id wait for them actually. But I do love my galaxy tab XD highly recommend it

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy tablet using Tapatalk
The IMX515 A8 8" is the only one that fits your requirements. But don't expect too much.