POP 3 mail set up


May 16, 2011
I'm trying to set up my tab to pick up my mail from my mail account which uses POP3 settings. I've done this in on my XP PC with no problems, but I can not get it working on my a500.

As far as I've been told I should have to enter a mailin and a mailout when setting things up but the standrd app has no where for me to put this and I keep getting told by the app that my I'd and password are incorrect - but I use these in XP and they work fine.

Any susgestions?

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Which email client are you trying to set up? Do you have the settings to do them manually? Let me know which email client and I can get you the settings for manual set up.
I would recommend you install K-9 Mail. It has manual settingsif you need them, one of them Hotmail. Hotmail needed manual set up, but my ISP email works great with the default settings.

Good luck,

I'm trying to use the client that came already installed. It's the mail app on the apps page.

In any advise don't rule out user stupidity.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
I have the same problem setting up my email. It is from my college email account. It is pop3 and I have the incoming and outgoing server addresses. I've set up this email account previously on both an UFC touch pro running windows mobile 6.1 and a touch pro 2 running windows mobile 6.5 as well as my HTC Evo 4g without any problems or issues. With that said I think we can rule out user ignorance. It seems that this an issue either with the iconia email client or perhaps a honeycomb issue.

Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
My bad - it was user error. Need to to learn to read the labels correctly and put the correct user name in - it did not need the @xyz.com at the end.

Any way thanks everyone for the help.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum