Popularity of Android tablets


Jun 8, 2013
It seems that, presently the liking for android tablets are spreading like wild fire. Android tablets' popularity is also causing downward slide in PC and laptop's sellings. But I wonder, what may be the cause for such the surge in tabs' popularity. Why for, the people are interested in buying and using tabs? These tabs may be very good entertainment gadget, but are still far behind to become true business machines. There are still a long way for these tabs to go to become true replacement of laptops. Then, please tell why are these cute machines are so popular? Are they only liked for easy handling of some email reading, a little browsing and some video watching? Or, is these any other use of these tabs, as replacement of PC/laptops? Thanks.
The gap between laptops and tablets in business as far as use is concerned is almost non-existent. Unless your permanently chained to your desk, you need tab backup away from your desk to keep in touch. The modern workplace is not limited to a desk anymore and to be productive in today's workforce employees need to be connected not only when sitting behind their desk but also while communicating effectively on their feet. And you can't do that holding a laptop, no matter how light.
Tablets can do more than laptops as you can see! :)
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