Power botton lighting up (white) every once in a while then off when in standby


Dec 18, 2011
I apologize in advance for what may be a silly question. I've searched and looked around in several places but haven't found it addressed. My question regards the the power button lighting up (white) every once in a while then off when in standby. I can understand that it would do this to check email, but I have it in Airplane mode, which I thought stopped all such communication. It does not blink or keep flashing, I just noticed it once in a while when I happen to look at it.

Is this normal and is there a way to put it in standby where it's saving more battery?

This just means that the tablet is on sleep mode but not off. It is normal to see this happen, the only way to get rid of it is by turning the tab completely off by long pressing the power button.

Edit/ It also glows orange while charging.

Sent from Rob's TapadaIconia :D
Thanks, Rob. I was concerned that something was activating and trying to search or check for something while in standby.
It lights up when it is doing something in the background, like checking mail, or anything that uses network.
Its working as intended, doing tasks for you so you don't have to.
Airplane mode does not necessarily mean that wifi is off. You can put it in airplane mode and then turn wifi back on again. (I know, makes no sense, but the OS was designed with phones in mind). Even with airplane mode on and wifi off, it will wake up when its timer says its time to check mail, only to find that it can't and then go back to sleep.

There is very little to be gained by turning airplane mode on. It won't save you much battery, and it reduces the utility of your device.
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Thanks for the education. But I don't get the need to check for email when it may be asleep for hours part. Computers don't (unless left on) and it's not problem to get email when you power on. It's not like you can read them when you're not using the device, so I dn't really see the point with that feature. Possibly it's a phone thing.

Thanks again for the info!
You are mistaking sleeping for powered off.

Sleeping is simply the normal state for a device not in active use. Its a power saving mode. Screen is dark but tablet is running. It will run for days in this mode.

A tablet sleeping on the desk near you or on the coffee table, still works for you by checking your mail and perhaps playing a sound to let you know you have mail.
Or maybe a Google Talk (chat) message arrives from a family member, or a tweet or, a calendar reminder, or what ever you set up. This is the beauty of the device, you don't have to remember to log in and check your email. It works for you in the background.

To truly power off you hold the power button down till it asks if you really want to power off. But don't get in that habit.
Its designed to be always on, (sleeping when not in active use) except when you store it away for long periods of time, or are instructed to turn it off by a flight attendant.

As you use it more you will find you need to go to your computer less. It can sit next to the TV couch, the reading chair, or at your desk. It does its work without you having to go start it up, log in, and do all that stuff.

Key Apps to have on your desktop are Gmail, web browser, Google Talk, your Calendar, maybe Skype if you have distant family members, maybe a weather app, etc. Things you use all the time. You will the Google Calendar very useful after a while, (even retired folks have appointments).

Don't be afraid to use your battery by letting it sleep.

In Settings / Wireless & Networks / Wifi Disconnect Policy, Set it to Never, and it works even better.
No, I understand the difference. But thanks for describing the sleep's common use. I was just thinking sleeping was more like that on a computer (but not the same). That is, that things are ready but not running or could be set to not run or turn on. I'm just not one of those people who have to know the instant they get email and the like--most of which are not important.

I can see why some might want it to notify them of some things. I personally don't need this and can just turn in on for that. I run an organization and important things come via a phone call. I was just seeking ways to conserve battery life. (I'm one that doesn't leave my battery in my laptop unless I'm not near a plug. Recently I began to do so an the advice of another and after a short while there was a clear reduction in battery life. I like the battery to be there for me when I need it.)

I like your description of using it more and the laptop less. I can see where this could happen even for me, so I'll try your approach in this respect, though I bought the tablet more for meetings and places where I'm having to wait and want to do some work or reading.

I have the desktop apps basically as you suggest. I like the fact that I can sync my Outlook info with Google.

What's the advantage of Wifi never disconnecting?

Thanks for taking the time to give some good detailed info.
Contrary to what it says in the settings, leaving wifi disconnect set to never actually ends up using less battery for most people.
If you never get any email and you don't use the tablet to keep in contact with people via other electronic means, then it might not save battery for you.

But as you start using it more for communication you will find its just easier and faster to leave wifi on. It can check mail and tell you when
there is mail, and it can even be set up to only notify you (with a buzz or a beep) of mail that gets filtered into your important folder.

You will charge this device every day. And battery technology has progressed over the years such that it is designed to be used when needed, left on the charger over night, etc. You don't have to baby this tablet's battery like older laptops.
I don't necessarily agree that it checks apps in the background so we don't have to. Rather, I think this is a flaw and sloppy programming. If wifi is off or sleep mode is on thereis no reason to check email or any other app because the result will always be nil. I came over to Acer from Archos. Archos had a deep sleep mode that turned every thing off but allowed for "instant on ". The constant checking on the Acer is an annoying battery drain and little else. Let's hope ICS will fix it.
I think you are confusing SLEEP MODE with HIBERNATE and STANDBY MODES. The standard definition of SLEEP MODE is like a fax machine in SLEEP MODE ready and waiting for the next fax to arrive. Then you have SLEEP MODE 1 & 2 and the difference between the 2 is that SLEEP MODE 2 is a deeper sleep mode which will turn off other areas of the machine (ex: computer is on but HDD is turned off)

Hibernate is the instant on mode.
Is there a Hibernate that pauses everything until it's awakened without restarting from being turned all the way off?

As I mentioned above, having the tab check email while it's in sleep is pointless for me. It's easy enough to allow it to do that once it's on. It's not as though that's difficult or time consuming. I'd rather it hibernate (which d oes not seem possible) and use no battery. I don't need email or weather checked while I'm not around or asleep, watching TV,..... and using the battery.
There is no such thing as hibernate in Android. You get sleep mode OR off.

Please Stop obsessing about this. Put the tablet down turned so you can't see the power button.
It works the way it is intended. The battery lasts for days and days while in sleep mode, and runs
a full day of normal use. There isn't a problem here.
Is there a Hibernate that pauses everything until it's awakened without restarting from being turned all the way off?

As I mentioned above, having the tab check email while it's in sleep is pointless for me. It's easy enough to allow it to do that once it's on. It's not as though that's difficult or time consuming. I'd rather it hibernate (which d oes not seem possible) and use no battery. I don't need email or weather checked while I'm not around or asleep, watching TV,..... and using the battery.

No HIBERNATE mode for ANDROID. I was just trying to set someone right about definitions of SLEEP MODE. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, HIBERNATE is restricted to PCs and systems like WINDOWS and etc.

The battery usage in SLEEP MODE is so minimal it is not worth complaining about.:p
If you were referring to me, I am neither obsessing nor mistaken. My Archos had a stand by mode AND a deep sleep mode and an off mode. I have been using Android since Donut days in 09. I did not say this was an Android issue. Archos uses a propriatary build that s not without flaws as well. I was suggesting that this is a bothersome issue for some of us. It's ok that I don't like it. Again, having a device make pointless internal surveys is a waste of battery that matters to a heavy user by the end of the day. If you were not referring to me.......Never mind ::