Power Off Charging Program Location? (auto-boot when power plugged in)


Jun 18, 2013
Hi All,

I am creating a kiosk mode device. My goal is to have the device power up into android when the power is connected.

Currently, if the device is powered off, when the power is plugged in, linux boots up and runs a program that displays a charging battery. Others have solved my problem by replacing this program with a script that calls reboot.

[Q] Power on when plugged in (boot when docked)? - xda-developers

Unfortunately, the tablet I would like to use (Kyros 9742) does not have a /system/bin/playIpm .
I also thought that maybe I could solve this by modifying the "on charger" block in init.rc, but fully commenting out that block (in the ramdisk) has no effect; the charging animation still shows up when powered off with power plugged in. So whatever that block does is not related.

Does anyone have any idea what program draws that battery, or any other idea on how to accomplish what I want with a Coby tablet? Thank you so much.
In looking at the bootloader, I see the battery images in the /os_show/ directory. So it looks like the animation is part of the bootloader. I will repost about how to modify the relevant executable in the bootloader (linux/u-boot.bin?, magic.bin?, script.bin?, script0.bin?, or sprite.axf), if it's possible.
well don't know what it is but my CM9 Coby 8042 boots up when power plug plugged! This it does the most of the time, only sometimes it does the usual battery animation. Think it's CM9.