Power or screen issue with T101


Apr 21, 2012
I have an Asus T101 and I tried to turn it on this morning after being away for 2 days on business and it is not working. I have plugged it into the power and the keyboard dock and still nothing.
I have held the power button repeatedly and also tried the low volume/power button reset and still nothing. I think I can hear the unit click or try to reset but nothing is coming up on the screen. It is stock standard ICS and has never been rooted.
When I plug it into my laptop it does get detected on the USB but the ASUS program does not detect it
I am thinking I am going to have to send it in but since I have the weekend to wait I thought I would try these helpful forums.
Welcome to the forum!

I am a member on a sister site dedicated to ASUS tablets. We had this issue alot (pre-ICS too) and I put together a guide with all the tips and tricks to fix this, as well as charging issues.

Here is a link: [RS Guide] - So Your Transformer Won't Boot?

Take a rip through that and see if it helps. You can skip the charging issues since your devices seems to be powered up.