[PRJ] Updating Telechips kernel to 2.6.35


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2010
I've just started, but I wanted to let anybody interested know that I'm attempting to manually apply the Telechips edits to the Android kernel and WebKit sources to update the Kyros to FroYo.

If anyone wants to help with testing, I'll post images when I have them. I'll risk my own device first, though. I do know that fastboot works on this device, so as long as I have the nandroid backup img's, I *should* be able to un-brick my tablet (I've already had to do this once (I hosed recovery and boot with bad img's)).

Maybe this will fix some other issues we've been having...
I am debating trying the Telechips team / Cyanogen rom already out there. If you come up with an optimized kernel for our device, I would be happy to test. I have tons of experience on my G1 phone but I am not a programmer. I have already rooted and installed market and have adb working through linux (windows is just to frustrating to set up). Let me know when you have something you need checked and I'll nandroid and give it a try.
I do have a quick question while I am here. Does the /nand partition get wiped by any of the wipe options in clockwork and do I need to be backing it up?
no.. on the coby, /nand takes the place of /sdcard for apps. (i.e. on my DroidX, some apps write to /sdcard/data/com.foo.bar/*, on the coby, they write to /nand/.../.../)

as far as the porting goes, i'm hand-editing the 2.6.35 source to add the telechips stuff. it seems i'll have to adapt some of it, too. (damn those upstream changes....)

once the kernel editing is done, i'll run a diff of the 2.1 webkit vs. the coby webkit and then add those to the 2.2 webkit as necessary.

after all of that comes the fixing of compile-time breakage. so much fun....
Good luck with the kernel mods, should be huge fun. Thanks for the /nand explanation. I noticed the issue when Titanium backup stored the backup files there.
Let me know how its going, I am new to the droid os. I have a tablet I want to upgrade. Not to concerned about messing it up.
I've installed the Froyo Cyanogenmod and it's great but a native kernel would be better I think. It's gonna be a PITA I bet though. I've been working on overclocking the damn thing myself but I'm not a programmer by any means.

Google is definitely my best friend and greatest enemy at the same time.

If you need any files or anything just post cuz I have a HDD full of them. LOL
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Hey man Danny here...... new just today. Can you give me the files to upgrade my coby to 2.2. I am rooted Thanks Danny
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Erm.... I'm nowhere near finished yet, danny. When I have something semi-safe to try, I'll post it. This will probably be a long, aggravating process. And then the day after I'm done, coby will release a 2.2 update (just because that's the way it always works :p )
Ok take your time. But I dont think thy or going to release 2.2. I dont think thy think it well run on the tablet.
I've gotten to the drivers directory... It's going to take a while to hand apply all of these changes. (esp. since I'm doing this in my spare time...)

Even after the edits, I don't know if it will build or boot.. I'll post the code here as soon as I get to the end of my diff.
I didn't think you were. I just prefer concise communication. Once I get the modified source available I'll be hoping for some help. Unfortunately, manually applying a diff seems to be a one man project...