Problem Acer iconia

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Junior Member
Sep 10, 2022
Hi one Quest.... I buy broken Acer iconia one 10 b3-a30 in Bosnia it was been charger problem i Fix it And see need password i do hard Factory reset but now wanna firdt owner Gmail to get in how can i pass or do anything too set my Google bcs its now locked And i font see who is using before this tablet to contact him i jst know he or she is from Deutschland bcs its dutch Language on start thx on Any advice


Staff member
Jun 16, 2012
We will not help you bypass any passwords, lock codes, pin numbers, swipe patterns, or any other kind of account/ownership verification on your devices. We have absolutely no way to verify ownership.

ALL problems of this sort should be directed to your service provider or product manufacturer. Contact them, provide them with the information they ask for, and see if they can help you. They are the only ones who will assist you in these matters. We cannot and will not give you any assistance with these problems.

All threads asking for help in bypassing passwords, lock codes, pin numbers, swipe patterns or any other kind of verification system will be closed and/or deleted without notice. Infractions will also be assessed, and there will be no warnings.

Thread closed.


Bosnian Translation:

Nećemo vam pomoći da zaobiđete bilo kakve lozinke, kodove zaključavanja, brojeve pinova, prevucite obrasce ili bilo koju drugu vrstu provjere računa / vlasništva na svojim uređajima. Nemamo apsolutno nikakav način da potvrdimo vlasništvo.

SVI problemi ove vrste trebaju biti usmjereni prema vašem davatelju usluga ili proizvođaču proizvoda. Obratite im se, pružite im informacije koje traže i pogledajte mogu li vam pomoći. Oni su jedini koji će vam pomoći u tim stvarima. Ne možemo i nećemo vam pružiti nikakvu pomoć u vezi s tim problemima.

Sve teme koje traže pomoć u zaobilaženju lozinki, zaključanih kodova, brojeva pinova, prevlačenja obrazaca ili bilo koje druge vrste sustava provjere bit će zatvorene i / ili izbrisane bez prethodne najave. Također će se ocjenjivati i infracrvene veze, a neće biti upozorenja.

Navoj je zatvoren.
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