problem downloading nook ebook for android


Nov 22, 2010
can anyone help.
I cannot locate the 'nook' app for ebook reading.
I have been on the web site saying it canbe downloaded either by the app in the marketplace. (Cannot find this app)
Or by scanning the provided barcode on the website. Could not scan this barcode. I have used various scanning apps none of them worked.
Not sure if it was me, the tablet or the app.
I have a haipad g10 tablet.
Can anyone help.
i was able to download by going to "android marketplace" and doing a search for "nook". do you have access to android market
yes i do, it was installed on the tablet when i recieved it. I have also used the search tool on the market place screen. No match found comes up on the screen
I am having the same problem. My tablet wont charge and I have not found a way to download the nook reader. Please let me know if you figure it out.
I don't have the market, but was able to get the app from I think I searched nook the search bar. The app works great great, almost better than my nook! has apks for download. Search their site and you should be able to find it. The Pandigital novel forum was what I mostly used and they have a large following with downloads available.

They have the original B&N apk and the nook apk available.
I have tried all the websites suggested and still can not find an app for the nook, as any one else had any success? The whole reason I got the android tablet was to read my barnes and noble e books and I am very upset that I can not find a way to do this...