Problem with Coby 1042


Nov 17, 2013
hello everyone I'm new here, and I have a problem on my tablet coby 1042 and I need help I've read several topics and I'm confused.
and the next I root my tablet and everything was functional, past few days I installed a aplicaçaoes and tablet reeniciou alone, and now every time I turn off the resets have already done and the Rooting ClockworkMod Recovery now put or do not know how to flash the dump here drawn from the forum, please someone help me : Confuso:
I apologize for not writing I know I have to speak English with google translate any doubt about what I wrote tell me

thank you
hello and thank you to all those viewing this topic, but I already have the problem solved ill with patience and dedication it could solve.
coby mid1042 tablet running smoothly.