Problem with G-Sensor


Feb 3, 2011
G-Sensor (accelerometer) on my Flytouch2 works really strange. For example, when I run some application such as Google SkyMap or game Labyrinth lite, which requires G-sensor, and when I tilt device to the left then it will be interpreted as I tilted device down, or when I move it down it will be understood as right, and so on in the circle. To be more precise, when I'm holding device in a landscape mode then system is interpreting commands like I'm holding it in a portrait mode! Accelerometer was one of the main reasons I bought this device and I truly hope I just need to change some option in the setup. I was looking for a G-Sensor setup in the Settings but I can't find it. Can anyone help me fix this strange behavior? Thanks in advance!

PS: I'm running the latest build 1561.
I have the same problem. The sensor seems to be oriented differently than the software expects.
This points-out another glaring example of Android frustration... no user control over the hardware. We need an application that can tell the OS which axes are for what function.
Hello Ikerat. I thought that I am the only one here who have this problem because nobody has replied to this tread for days :)

So, if I understand you correctly, everyone who owns this device has the same problem? That's makes this situation even more stupid. I really can't believe how they have released FlyTouch2 tablet before testing how G-sensor works with popular applications such as Google Sky Map?!
I really can't say if we are the only ones to have this problem.
Heh, you said stupid things... I have a growing list of stupid things to say about both Android and this Flytouch2 tablet.
Needless to say I'm not impressed with the two of them combined.
I bet you are also unhappy about the "Menu" button at the top of the landscape display going missing when you rotate to portrait view.
Or another trivial but annoying Android thing... a lot of unused applications load themselves on start up. It takes 5 minutes of clicking to get rid of them before you can go to work.
Lastly, having to slide an on-screen thing to complete the turn on process is ridiculous. The power switch is there for a reason, one press should be all that is required to reach the home screen.

Sorry you opened my floodgate of issues!
I know, I have a FlyTouch 2 also. I sit in amazement as my wife flies through apps and websites on her iPad as I hold my FlyTouch 2 at exactly the right angle to get the dropped wifi to show back up and then the page to slowly load. I'm getting an iPad 2 the day they come out!
I am tending towards the same thing. Android is immature and not improving anywhere near fast enough to start to touch an iPad. Apple really did their homework before releasing that thing.
I use an iMac as my main computer, after being an IBM user from the days of the IBM PC. I have owned somewhere near 50 Intel or "wintel" machines and still own a dozen or so "off brands" (Amiga, Commodore, Apple, IMSAI8080, etc.)
I also have done tech support for private and municipal organizations both in computers and radio systems.
In my experience, Android is about the messiest operating system I have ever seen.
You're right my friend about all the things you've mentioned here. To make the things even worse, I also have a big problem with sound. At maximum volume the sound is so weak, and some strange hissing noise is coming from the speakers all the time even when volume is set to 0%. It's very annoying and impossible to ignore! I've upgraded firmware to the latest official build hoping it will solve my problem but it didn't. It's definitely not a problem with speakers because when I plug earphones the noise will be there too. Because of that noise I can't connect this device to the amplifier to listen music at my home stereo or in the car. My conclusion is, these Chinese tablets are much cheaper then the iPad, Galaxy tab, etc... but for that money you will get a device with bunch of malfunctions, without any support or repair service around. Even the official website of this strange device doesn't have an English version!?! Hello??? For everyone who's considering to buy Chinese tablet to save money, I would recommend to give more money for branded tablet to save nerves.
I second the recommendation. Pay the extra money - get a supported, repairable, quality product. Please learn from those of us who have gone before you... don't buy junk hoping your tablet will be different.
So... basically, the Flytouch and/or the Google app have some bad code in them.
Great. There is no way in time and space we are going to get either one of these people to address, much less remedy this issue. Boned again... I am really beginning to dislike Android.
So... basically, the Flytouch and/or the Google app have some bad code in them.
Great. There is no way in time and space we are going to get either one of these people to address, much less remedy this issue. Boned again... I am really beginning to dislike Android.

That is why I posted the link to the article. When I get my ft3 I will go through the steps and then post them so I can better help you. But it will be a couple of weeks before I will be able to post with the tablet in hand.
Have you guys figured out an answer to your problem yet. I still haven't gotten a chance to try anything with sensors yet. But am willing if you are still having the issue.

Just out of curiosity, have you tried new firmware, or ROM? This might help solve your problem.

Sent from my Huawei Ascend M860 using Android Tablet Forum App
My G-Sensor works fine with games like Abduction and Labrynth, I am running the 1648 firmware, maybe some pads are worse than others, I have two, one is WoWPad branded the other SuperPad, the WoWPad one gets a muchs tronger WiFi signal but the SuperPad has a much more sensitive screen.

You pays your money and makes your choice, I tried these cheap pads as I just wanted to play a few simple games and get on the internet quickly instead of having to get the Laptop out, I used the Laptop for more serious computing and the Pads do exactly what I want of them.
Have you guys figured out an answer to your problem yet. I still haven't gotten a chance to try anything with sensors yet. But am willing if you are still having the issue.

Just out of curiosity, have you tried new firmware, or ROM? This might help solve your problem.

Sent from my Huawei Ascend M860 using Android Tablet Forum App

I just finish rommed my Flytouch3 with Tim5a and I'm facing same problem has both of you. I tried to find in another forum but also without success. This new rom have a G-sensor calibration menu, i had run it and the level are correct with the movement I made. Seams to be a problem between the G-sensor and the game.