Problems with Flash Player (Hello nice people of the forum)


Nov 11, 2012
Hello nice people of the forum,

My tablet, Cube U30GT-H came with flash player installed and working. However recently when I tried to watch videos online some pages tell me that I do not have flash and that it needs to be installed e.g. Channel 5 (UK) and I find this strange because I can watch YouTube and BBC iplayer without problems (these still are using flash, right?). When I check into the flash player app it re-directs me to a black web page (https://settings flash player). I have tried to download the latest version of flash from the flash player page but after downloading when trying to install it I get this:

-An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed-

Does anyone has any idea of what is going on and how can I fix this issue?

Your help will be very much appreciated
Many thanks

Root your tablet and remove the flash player apk from /system/app. Reboot. Then you can install the version you downloaded from Adobe's web page. Keep in mind that Flash is no longer being maintained by Adobe, and will eventually break if it hasn't done so already. Therefore, you might want to suggest to the BBC switching to a HTML 5 solution.
That frequently happens when the tablet came with Flash as a part of the stock ROM and as Traveller pointed out, rooting would be your only option.
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Thank you very much guys

My tablet is rooted and as I could watch BBC iplayer and YouTube I assumed that nothing changed regarding the ability to watch flash content, wasn’t until recently when some pages advised that I did not had flash player installed when I came aware that apparently there was a problem with it.

I will remove the flash player apk as Traveller1701 suggested to see what happens and I will keep you inform in case I need to try something else.

Watch this space

Update: I am unable to remove it from the apkinstaller, it goes ahead with it but ends saying -uninstall unsuccessful- so I am back to square one.
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You need to use a file manager with root support, such as ES File Explorer or Astro, and physically remove the app from /system/app either by moving it to another directory or deleting it, then reboot.