Problems with flipoard


Dec 26, 2012
Does anyone here use flipboard? I've been using it pretty much since I got my tablet but it doesn't really work too well for me.

This tablet seems to have trouble flipping the page. I have to drag my finger all the way across the screen and let it sit for a moment for it to stay flipped. If I just do a quick swipe the page starts to turn but quickly goes back down. I've tried the app on a Galaxy Tab and iPad at Best Buy and a Nook HD+ at Barnes and Noble and none of them function this way. On all of those the page will flip with just a quick swipe.

Anyway, if anybody else uses flipboard I'd love to get some feedback if your tablet has the same problem. And if nobody else uses it, I'd really appreciate if somebody could just download it real quick and let me know if they have the same problem. It's a free app.

I tried it, liked it, had no problem with it, but feel it can be improved upon in many ways. I would appreciate an option to 'turn off flipping/use normal scrolling' because I like to keep the text that I'm reading either in the middle or on the top of the screen. And, I imagine that I'm not the only one. I'd also like to hop straight into the article from the widget.

Thanks for the response. Yeah it's a nice little app and I like it but it's getting really frustrating trying to flip the page sometimes. So you're able to smoothly and easily flip the page?