Purchase the original Nook for only $99

That is NOT the Nook Color, but the original eInk Nook, so no big deal (and not appropriate for the Nook Color forum?).

If it sounds to good to be true...

This is a Nook and Nook Color forum and thread title clearly says Nook.

Forum: Nook

Includes discussions on the Nook and Nook color
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I think it is a good post for those that might be interested inthe original Nook. Although "nook" is used in this forum to refer to both the color and original, the OP does not imply it is a Nook Color, so no problem. :)
I amended the title to reflect this is for the "original NOOK".
Sorry - I am so used to only seeing NC stuff here (and this is a sub forum of "androidtablets.net" - original is not Android), that "original" did not even register.
