Question about location of latest firmware update for Android Flytouch 2

Nov 19, 2013
Hello everyone

There is this one question I would like to ask in regards to my Android Flytouch 2.

This was given to me recently and I would like to add the latest firmware on the Flytouch 2. Here are my specs: My model number is: SAWEE Pad. My current Firmware version is: 2.1-update1 V1.8:#2752. My Kernel version is: infotm-sqa@infotm-sqa-desktop#48

Do I have to do this from another computer and if so what special equipment do I need?

I ask this because this is my first tablet I have ever owned.

I also want to mention that the Build number is the following: wwe 10-eng 2.1 -update 1 ERE27 eng.infotm-sqa.20101224.184001 test-keys

Furthermore I was able to get the SD card to work. I just moved it to another slot. I was also able to download the Flytouch2 ROM 3245.rar file but I wasn't able to open it because I keep getting the message that "No Application can be found to open this file"

So what I did next was try to download winzip for android because I figured that would work. However I got that exact same error message as before. So then I came to the epiphany that .exe files will not open up on Linux based Android tablets like the one I have because when you boot it up from the very beginning you see the Linux penguin in the very far upper left hand corner followed by the Android logo.

There just has to be software that opens up .rar files on Flytouch tablets even though they are linux based. Do those even exist?

I truly would appreciate any assistance that would be given to me. Plus here is the link to where I found the latest firmware of what I want to download.
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