question about tablet??


Dec 21, 2010
My question is does anyone know that new tablet can you use the wireless tethering on a droid
To connect to a tablet does anyone know if this is possible?? Im kinda curious if someone can use there droid wireless tethering to connect to the wifi on a tablet?
I do this with my Incredible and both my S7 and Viewsonic
absolutely. The real issue is not can the tablet connect to the phone, but can the phone provide a wifi tether.
Actually I could never get my Tablets connected to my phone because the can not connect to a Adhoc connection unless you do some hacking.
I have gotten both the Hauwei S7 and Viewsonic gTab to connect, and the Huawei is completely factory image, no hacks at all. The phone is a Droid Incredible running SkyRaider 3.5.
Android 2.2 no longer wifi-tethers with Adhoc, which is why it works out-of-the-box. If you are using wifi tether from older versions of Android from your phone, you may have to apply an adhoc workaround.
Yep, Xaueious is correct. I made an assumption since the original posting said "new tablet" which actually does not mean 2.2.

so, yes you can tether, depending on your phone and your tablet it may be very easy or may require some tweaks and workarounds.
So its pretty safe to say it will work it just might need a work around i have a droid X but my buddy has the droid 1 and was wondering himself if this can be done??
It can definitely be done. The real issue is the phone, and what needs to be done there.