Question about telechip cpu?


Mar 23, 2011
Can the telechip CPU support flash? I have heard that it can't. Also does anyone know if the VIA 8650 chipset can run flash games and browsers?

I appreciate any help. I did a google search and could not find anything specific except for a lot of tablet ads or biased reviews.
When it comes down to it, if you really want a tablet to run flash, then don't buy a tablet. Buy an AMD/Intel laptop/netbook running Windows.

If you can answer the question 'I only really want to run the flash appXXX'; then someone might be able to say yes. Telechips can do some flash now. But it is limited, and unless you can say 'I only want this limit'; nobody can tell you 'Yes'.

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When it comes down to it, if you really want a tablet to run flash, then don't buy a tablet. Buy an AMD/Intel laptop/netbook running Windows.

If you can answer the question 'I only really want to run the flash appXXX'; then someone might be able to say yes. Telechips can do some flash now. But it is limited, and unless you can say 'I only want this limit'; nobody can tell you 'Yes'.


The threads begging for Flash will always be with us and will never go away...ever. :(
Well I know you can view flash videos and watch youtube videos, but I was wondering about flash while browsing webpages. I am not begging you to walk me through how to get flash working, I am just asking if it is possible with these chipsets and I have specified exactly what sort of purpose I want to use flash with, and hoping for a helpful yes or no and why.