Hi all. I just wondered if anyone could tell me howto completely wipe/reset my TF700. I bought mine new in November. It was my first tablet. I ended up deciding a tablet wasjust not for me, and turned around and got a laptop instead. In themeantime it has just been sitting, so I decided I need to sell the thing soonto recoup some of my cost to cover the laptop. Anyway, I want to wipe or reset it so that I can clear out all of my info & downloaded apps so I can sell. I just have some free apps on it, but figured I need to get rid of those. Do I just go through settings and do a factory reset? I had upgraded it to the latest firmware 10.4.425 per some help I had from this forum back in January. If I reset it still remain or does it just go back to what it was before?
Also, does anyone have an idea of a reasonable price to ask? It is champagne colored one with keyboard dock. Like new since it wasn’t used much, still has the stickers on it.
Would include the boxes (receipts too if needed). Also would include the case that has detachable keyboard cover and new package of screen protectors. I assume it is still under warranty with Asus. I have never registered it. I bought extended Squaretradewarranty, which I will forfeit, as I don’t think those are transferable. What is fair to ask taking that in to consideration?
Also, does anyone have an idea of a reasonable price to ask? It is champagne colored one with keyboard dock. Like new since it wasn’t used much, still has the stickers on it.
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