Question for charging Meiying M10


Jun 19, 2012
Just got this tablet and bought it direct from China and well the plug for the charger is European, I read somewhere that someone just bought a plug adapter form radioshack for like 10 bucks well I go into radioshack and he wants to sell me a power converter for closer to 50 bucks question is do I need a power converter or will a plug adapter work just fine?..... Thanks in Advance Bear.....
Hi Bearskin, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Look at the input voltage listed on the charger. If it's 120V all you need is a plug adapter.
Thanks..... Hmm input on the charger says 100-240v- So I'm guessing just a plug adapter will be fine then? Oh just a side question for you spider as I use to be pretty heavy in the invert game had around 200 or so at one point down to keeping just 2 now so was just wondering if you keep tarantulas? Good buddy of mine was one of the main dealers in invertebrates in the US until just a couple years ago the rescission kinda killed his business.... Bear
Dude, sorry for not replying faster. For the M10, you need EXACTLY 5 volt @ 2 amps. You can get an adapter @ radio shack for $40. The plug type is "A". So 5v, 2a plug type A.
Hiya, I`ve bought the same model, there was a plug adapter in my box. Not sure where you live, but if in the UK just buy an ordinary 3 pin plug and change it. Our voltage is 100-240v.