Question for those who left iPad...


May 25, 2011
Developing a screen defect in my iPad2 (too small of a bright spot to warrant a $250 screen replacement) has me considering making the jump back to Android sooner than expected. Not to mention I've really been digging Jelly Bean as well. There may be a slightly used iPad2 in my wife's future and a 10 and 7 inch Android tablet in mine (based on where this is posted, u can guess what the larger one will be).

So I am wondering for those who left an iPad in the rear view, what if anything is missed by you now? I have been tracking my usage habits all week, and really only FaceTime seems to be unavailable to me on Android (I know there are replacements for it, but getting my friends to switch programs isn't happening). Seemingly, everything else I regularly use is accounted for (and more).

is there anything you consistently miss about your iPad? I know answers here will be fairly slanted, but I guess that's why I am asking here :D.

I probably won't miss FaceTime as it is, and can always grab my wife's or daughters device. Or use my iPhone until my contract is up and I have the next Nexus...
When you have to rebuild your device, it will be an all weekend affair compared with maybe ten minutes of your time with the iPad. If you can root your Android pad, it won't be as painful if you prepare properly.