Questions About Touch Screens


Nov 11, 2010
whats the difference between resistive and capacitive screens?

Most of the tablets I am looking at have resistive screens. Does this mean they will be hard to use? The only touch screen I have had is with my Motorola Cliq so that is what I am used to.
whats the difference between resistive and capacitive screens?

Most of the tablets I am looking at have resistive screens. Does this mean they will be hard to use? The only touch screen I have had is with my Motorola Cliq so that is what I am used to.
Hi friend,I'm online now,you can chat with me online,I'll help you.
IMHO, it comes down to a personal preference more than anything else right now. I love the gentle touch, feel and responsiveness of the capacitive screens, but I like the granular control and the ability for some of my drawing apps to use a stylus on a resistive screen. I also like that the resistive screen devices are usually MUCH less for the same device in other regards than the capacitive ones.

Also, there are still major differences in the screens themselves. Compare the resistive touch screen on the Gentouch 78 to the Huawei S7 and that is night and day. Compare the capacitive screens on the Cruz Tablet to the Samsung Galaxy. In both cases these go from crappy response to great for each technology.

Sorry if this isn't more help.
no that is plenty of help, thank you. Thanks everyone. I know I preferred a type of screen but I wasn't sure on what it was technically and now I know.