questions for current owners.


Dec 26, 2010
very strongly considering one of these after loads of searching, researching ect. however i would like to know a few things.

First off, will it recognize usb flashdrives with ease? i know i will need a file manager, but i was planing on getting one anyway.

Second, do the multitude of android emulators work (GBA, NES, SNES..ect) this is more of a general question for all the android tabs since i assume if it wont on one it likely wont on most i just wonder because I never hear about people using these on their tablets. Obviously if they don't it won't really effect me much, but its a good thing to know, i enjoy some nostalgia every now and then.

Third, one of the great deals I've found (i hope, 174.00 shipped) makes special note of the processor speed of 1.2ghz is this true, and if so doesn't that mean that it would be a shoe-in for 2.2?

Which brings me to the fourth and final question, any rumors, hints, or hushed whispers of 2.2/2.3/2.4 (when released) being flashable to these?

Thanks in advance.
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It recognises Flash drives fine. I can confirm the ones shipped by come with a filemanager that works well and can see the flash drives (They're in media btw) But I suggest ASTRO file manager.

I'm not sure i'm afraid

I think that's not true, I think the true speed's about 800MHz but that's more than ample.

I'm trying to contact WOWPAD to find out if they have any plans of this

I hope this helps,
These are not a real 1.2Ghz. They Mix the GPU and CPU for the combined value at times.
Unless there is a manufacturer/vendor or a community build for an Android build. Quite simply it will not happen. These are NOT PCs.
i figured there was rounding or some such thing involved in the processor speed, i was more curious than anything. they read flashdrives, how about a portable hard drive? or is there a maximum? someone mentioned that they are limited only by the filebrowser because of the operating system's incompleteness. people have booted win ce off the flashdrives before haven't they? would make my other projects (screen change) easier if i could access all the ports/data attributed to them (like device manager on a PC)

and no one has tried any emulators? seems like they would be just as popular as angry birds for these.

PS is that price a good one? or does anyone else know of a lower one, im not afraid of chinese sellers, but i am afraid of chinese shipping costs, and how wildly spaced out different suppliers are.
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For the same money you can get a better unit such as the Herotab or A81-E The A81-E is a faster processor and is fully compatible for Market and runs 2.2. Remember, just like PCs the processor speed does not mean everything. Look at the Chip itself. Only the Cortex A8 can run flash without issues (Omap3 series)
I purchased the hype-pad variant of the flytouch 2 from buyadroid and it came with working market out of the box. I can download and install paid and free apps alike with no problem.
Cheaper models of the Flytouch 2 have been known to suffer from a wide range of ailments. Hypepad is the best choice in my opinion.

Also I have been playing final fantasy advance on gameboid since i got my tablet and I can say its great

Fullscreen all the way!
thanks urphonesux, decided on a a81-e its nice to know the emulators work, is that the one (gamboid) that you need to buy? one of my friends bought an emu on his motorola droid and said there wasnt a free one, but it seems like someone would have ported visualboy or something by now.
I want to add a little bit to the answer on USB drives.
Coming from a PC world, the FT2 method to handle USB/SD drives is better than the original FT or Toshiba Folio.
As it has 4 slots (2 uSD & 2 USB), the Linux naming convention would be a nightmare.
I am forever floundering around trying to figure which is the USB/SDcard on my Toshiba.

The FT2's method is simple.
You can use the regular /sdcard for the main uSD card that I usually leave permanently plugged in. Lowest uSD slot.
The rest are in /media as /media/D, /media/E, etc...
BTW, the /sdcard is also /media/D

Much better than scratching my head between /storage, /sdcard, /sdcard-usb0, /udisk, etc....
Which unfortunately means different things on different machines.

very strongly considering one of these after loads of searching, researching ect. however i would like to know a few things.

First off, will it recognize usb flashdrives with ease? i know i will need a file manager, but i was planing on getting one anyway.

Second, do the multitude of android emulators work (GBA, NES, SNES..ect) this is more of a general question for all the android tabs

since i assume if it wont on one it likely wont on most i just wonder because I never hear about people using these on their tablets. Obviously if they don't it won't really effect me much, but its a good thing to know, i enjoy some nostalgia every now and then.

Third, one of the great deals I've found (i hope, 174.00 shipped) makes special note of the processor speed of 1.2ghz is this true, and if so doesn't that mean that it would be a shoe-in for 2.2?

Which brings me to the fourth and final question, any rumors, hints, or hushed whispers of 2.2/2.3/2.4 (when released) being flashable to these?

Thanks in advance.