Remote Desktop Apps


Dec 27, 2010
Hi all,

I just picked up a Viewsonic G Tab, mainly for it's 10" screen. I basically wanted it to do what my Droid X does and also have good Remote desktop to my work PC which is Windows 7 Pro.

I purchased an app for my droid by xtra logic, but I cannot get it to do what I want which is to show my whole desktop. My GF has a 10 inch netbook and when I RDP into my desktop with hers it is very useable, not so much on my tablet yet. I realize the KB will take up some of the screen, but I am using visual studio, so I need to see the whole screen at times to be productive.

I know windows and citrix session resolutions can be changed to accomodate this, but am not sure about the android apps... I need to be able to see my desktop and type in code...

any help / suggestions?
i believe that currently most of these apps were developed without a tablet form factor in mind, so for resolution at best maybe the developers were counting on a 5" (Dell Streak) sized screen, so they probably did not make contingency for adjusting it that much.

I am probably wrong though!
Well for me (and I am sure other Tablet users) using tablets with USB this would be the "BOMB!". Ability to RDP to a desktop and use the mouse and keyboard and have the Tablet work as a screen that is full screen just like you are sitting at the desktop.

This is what I need my G Tab to do, I have keyboard working, no mouse yet. I have TNT 2 Lite rom installed.
i am currently on the latest VEGAn ROM (beta4) and both USB Keyboard and mouse are working great. That is the main reason I dropped the TnT ROM off.
i am currently on the latest VEGAn ROM (beta4) and both USB Keyboard and mouse are working great. That is the main reason I dropped the TnT ROM off.

do you have a link to that newest download so I can test it?

VEGAn-TAB Beta 4 Final: VEGAn-TAB

Awesone, 1 step closer. Logitech Wave 2.4 KB / Mouse working.

No wheel, nothing on right click... but one step closer.

Now to find an RDP software that will pass the mouse / KB cleanly to Windows at Full screen like normal RDP.

*On a side note the market is (what shows up in searches) much more limited with VEGAn than it was with TNT 2.2.