Remote Desktop Performance Le Pan II


Feb 29, 2012
Hi all
So I am in the market for a tablet and it is looking like it will be between the Le Pan II & the Asus Transformer. The Le Pan is winning as i'm a techie and should be able to help compensate for the Le Pan's lack of support.... but there is one last box that I havent been able to tick or cross for it ... and that is performance within remote desktop

One of the tablet's main functions will be to operate a desktop (hiding in a corner of the house) remotely. It will need to do this without lag or fuss.

Has anyone got any experience of this with the Le Pan II? And also provide advice on the different remote apps?

thx in advance
thx for the link ....thats a real shame..... There are obvious reasons for choosing either of the final two I have whittled it down to, but I was almost starting to hope it would be Le Pan II that won out.

I guess even 8mb isnt the end of the world though........ we are not expecting it to stream video which would be an obvious issue at that speed...... maybe it is still worth it???

Yann, do you think there is a good chance that Le Pan themselves can sort this with an upgrade?

Is anyone curious enough to test remote desktop with the Le Pan II out? There are vids on youtube for both galaxy tab and asus transformer taking care of some remote desktop
Spudplank, Le Pan's reputation for updates and upgrades to system software is not stellar.

I wish they would slow down releasing new models, when they don't even keep promises made to the existing model owners. Case in point, the TC970 which I have, and had been promised an operating system upgrade.

Later they stopped talking about it, and finally, in November or December, when asked directly, they mentioned they would only release fixes for it if needed. Not a new os, not even an upgrade to Gingerbread Android 2.3.

They imply it's Google's fault, or the tablet doesn't have what it takes to run newer versions, but the thruth in my opinion is they don't want to spend the time or money to develop for that model.

I am running GB Beta, CyanogenMod 7, and it will be way better than the LP software ever was.

Will they improve wifi? One would hope so, as these tablets live by wireless alone. There's a lot of complaining about streaming video, imo if the underlying network is not heathy, you won't be able to see streaming video working well.

The Transformer is more money, but you should get better manufacturer support.

There are new custom ROMs starting to appear now (the LPII tablet was first rooted last week); but it's not fair to expect the hobbiest, independant developer working on their own spare time, to fix what manufacturer didn't. They might, but it takes some time.
yann i would still recommend le pan. you have an LP l and I have an LP2 the 2 really is much better. I have never used the other tab mentioned. I did install teamViewer for remote desktop. it did work. I was just playing with it and not really trying to accomplish anything. just opened and closed windows etc.
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Hi, John,

Yes, the Le Pan tabs are not that bad - it's just that the OP was considering either the LP II model, or the Asus Transformer. If the price was not a problem, I would pick up the Transformer myself.

It's a gorgous tablet, I find it the prettiest on display at the local Staples store.

Since the OP has a certain usage in mind, a fair warning about the networking issues was de rigueur, d'accord? ;)