Request: custom Rom based on Sweden Rom??


May 25, 2011
Tri-zet, Joenilan, others...

Can anyone please bring out a custom Rom, like the Tri-zet or Joenilan one's, but based on the Sweden Expert 2.2.2 Rom?

And, I noticed that a long time has passed since the threads about stock 2.2 firmwares had been updated.
Are there any new stock Rom's available out there?
Does anyone is still verifying the Huawei site for new official Rom's releases??

Thanks! ;-)
i've been away from keyboard for the last one month, thus stopping me from scanning huawei server. and also seems huawei do some changes to their server.

but somebody at wiki.modaco keep scanning huawei server and updated his page.

more interesting thing, huawei releases so much firmware for s7 lately with some improvement/fix such as gsensor/srs surround.

perhaps huawei left our s7 behind and focuses on s7 slim.

for me better to watch s7 slim rom to keep our s7 updated. (hopefully huawei will release gingerbread for s7-slim)

Sent from my IDEOS S7 Slim using Tapatalk
i've been away from keyboard for the last one month, thus stopping me from scanning huawei server. and also seems huawei do some changes to their server.

but somebody at wiki.modaco keep scanning huawei server and updated his page.

more interesting thing, huawei releases so much firmware for s7 lately with some improvement/fix such as gsensor/srs surround.

Glad you're back!
Didn't know that wiki page, thanks for the tip.

Some questions:
- What is the difference between the S7-201 Slim and the S7-202 Slim ??
- If I took out the "/system" from one of the Slim rom's (for instance, Brazil Claro) and put it on the Sweden rom, should expect it to work out of the box??
- why it is not possible to use adb with the S7 recovery?? it works with other CWM recoverys.

- 202 is cdma version. it has different baseband and system. can not use it for gsm version.

- if you take brazil claro on sweden system, so it is not sweden anymore. all the sweden system are gone. but it is 90% working. 9% you need my boot.img to make data2emmc working. if you use my boot.img and any slim system, 99% working, 1% unknown. on the latest indonesian rom, bluetooth will not turn on but it can be fix.

-not me who ported clockworkmod recovery, goodoane did. he did great job to port it and trying to make adb working. i just repacked it with new kernel to be use with ext4 partition.

Sent from my IDEOS S7 Slim using Tapatalk
- 202 is cdma version. it has different baseband and system. can not use it for gsm version.

- if you take brazil claro on sweden system, so it is not sweden anymore. all the sweden system are gone. but it is 90% working. 9% you need my boot.img to make data2emmc working. if you use my boot.img and any slim system, 99% working, 1% unknown. on the latest indonesian rom, bluetooth will not turn on but it can be fix.

Are you sure about the CDMA? I don't recall for Claro to have a CDMA network in Brazil, only a GSM one. And, as far I remember Tigo Colombia also is GSM, but both are listed as S7-202 Slim Firmware in Modaco.

And, about the rom mods:
- if instead of using all the /system from the Slim rom, I use only the /framework and /app folders, put them on the Sweden rom, will it work?? Do I need to use also the /etc from the Slim? Or other files/folders?
(what I would like is to have the looks and apps of your slim mod rom, but based on the Sweden).

As I stated in another post, I only install half a dozen small apps so /data space is not an issue to me, no need to have data2sd or even apps2sd.
Also, I need that the stock browser works reliable, something that is not happening with the Slim Mod (maybe if you cook another version using newer siim rom the problems go away?).
Are you sure about the CDMA? I don't recall for Claro to have a CDMA network in Brazil, only a GSM one. And, as far I remember Tigo Colombia also is GSM, but both are listed as S7-202 Slim Firmware in Modaco.

And, about the rom mods:
- if instead of using all the /system from the Slim rom, I use only the /framework and /app folders, put them on the Sweden rom, will it work?? Do I need to use also the /etc from the Slim? Or other files/folders?
(what I would like is to have the looks and apps of your slim mod rom, but based on the Sweden).

As I stated in another post, I only install half a dozen small apps so /data space is not an issue to me, no need to have data2sd or even apps2sd.
Also, I need that the stock browser works reliable, something that is not happening with the Slim Mod (maybe if you cook another version using newer siim rom the problems go away?).

for 202 indonesia Bakrie for sure cdma version. it is already on the market in indonesia.

i am not sure it will work if you take it partially. but you can try it. it is easy process, only a few minutes.
you need only 4 tools:
- unyaffs
- mkyaffs2image
- fastboot
if you need those files i can send you. (mkyaffs2image is the difficult one to find).

- i dont know what is your problem with stock browser? i don't have any problem with it. now i am using it a lot compare to other browsers. (especially when i got problem with my vision last month. i like the zoom level because i couldn't read if i didn't set it to 300% LOL)

(yes i am still looking others slim ROM to be use as base. last time i try Indonesian ROM, it is unstable performance, benchmarking sometimes very low and GPS also very slow to fix)
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i am not sure it will work if you take it partially. but you can try it. it is easy process, only a few minutes.
you need only 4 tools:
- unyaffs
- mkyaffs2image
- fastboot
if you need those files i can send you. (mkyaffs2image is the difficult one to find).

Yes, if they are for Linux.

- i dont know what is your problem with stock browser? i don't have any problem with it. now i am using it a lot compare to other browsers. (especially when i got problem with my vision last month. i like the zoom level because i couldn't read if i didn't set it to 300% LOL)

As also reported by others, it crashes a lot, especially when using flash or heavy sites.
Sometimes it also freezes the tablet - reboot needed.