Request for Beta Testers


Jul 9, 2010
Hey there everyone,

I just put this out as a response to one of the posts -- and thought I'd extend the offer to the whole group...

We're currently developing android tablet apps specifically formatted for larger screens -- and we're always looking for beta testers.

If you're interested, drop us an email at [email protected]

Our website is:


3D Motion Apps
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just checking to see if you are getting a lot of beta testers? i hope you are because that would be great to have apps made mostly for tablets
Well it's a good idea. But honestly most tablets on the market right now don't need more social media, but more methods of multimedia consumption.
just checking to see if you are getting a lot of beta testers? i hope you are because that would be great to have apps made mostly for tablets
Yes, in fact we've had quite a few people respond -- we're still getting back to people -- so if you emailed us, please be patient.